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5 Books That Immediately Activate Nostalgia

Do you ever have a book on your shelf or a series that you know is going to instantly give you that nostalgic feeling? It may not even be the best series, but it just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside every time you crack it open. Although there are a ton to list, I somehow (not easily) narrowed it down to five with a special bonus at the end!



The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer


I feel like this first one is pretty self-explanatory, and there’s an entire Facebook page dedicated to the love of the Twilight fandom. Everyone who’s a true fan knows that the books and movies aren’t the greatest thing, but they just transport you straight back to the early 2000s. If you don’t own a copy of the books, there’s a 99.9% chance that your local used bookstore has several second-hand copies!


The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth


Somehow the first book in the Divergent Series, has been out for over ten years! I remember when I was in middle school and checking these books out of the library. I didn’t pay as much attention to the release dates back then, so I can’t say for sure when I read them. But back to the topic at hand. These books are phenomenal, but we won’t even mention the last book. (If you know you know). They even turned these books into movies too (which I also think were fantastic), except the third movie ended on the worst note! They should have made a part two, but I don’t think I could have handled watching it.



Me Before You by JoJo Moyes


I just read this book for the first time earlier this year and it honestly changed my life. I haven’t yet seen the movie yet because I don’t think I could handle the heartache. The book was so beautifully written and broke my entire soul, but I have no regrets about the fact that I read it. It didn’t end how I expected it to, but it still gave a lot of life lessons.


Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder


I have an original boxset of these babies from my aunt, and they are absolute classics. They are based off of the author’s childhood and adolescence in the 1870s. They weren’t published until the mid-1900s. I read these when I was growing up, and they are so well written. I believe the fact that she based it off of her own life experiences made them that much better. It made them that much more believable as well.


The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan


I haven’t had the chance to read these books yet (I know, I’m sorry!) but my soul sister is a gigantic fan. I got the three books with the original covers on them for only a dollar each from a used thrift store! They were even in pretty great condition! They turned the first two books of the series into movies, and I don’t know about everyone else, but I really enjoyed them. Now I haven’t read the books yet, so I can’t say if the movies did the books justice, but you can be the judge of that!


BONUS: Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein


I just had to google when this book was published so don’t judge me, but I grew up on this book. It’s as old as my mom (sorry mom that doesn’t mean you’re old I promise) and I grew up with my dad reading me these poems. My favorite one had to be ‘Hungry Mungry’. It’s one of the longest in the book, and I don’t know why I enjoyed it so much, but I did. Instant nostalgia.



Like I said, it was so incredibly hard to pick just five of them. I could go into my spare bedroom right now and find three other series that could have been mentioned on this list. If you haven’t read these books yet, please make sure you check them out!

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